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3 Unnoticed Features of WSDesk
You must have used WSDesk – The best WordPress Helpdesk & Support Ticket Plugin! I am sure that you have failed in noticing some of the awesome features that WSDesk can do for you. By configuring these features, I am sure that you will enjoy your helpdesk experience than ever before. Through this article, we will guide you through ‘3 Unnoticed Features of WSDesk’ and how to configure these in your helpdesk.
Before starting with the unnoticed features, let us have a look at the features that you must be using right now.
- Email Piping: Create tickets directly through emails, and send ticket-responses too via emails. Also, provide ticket status updates to customers through email. Get all this totally free-of-cost.
- Unlimited Agents and Supervisors: Create unlimited support-agents and supervisors to manage and divide your tickets more effectively.
- Quick-Setup Wizard: Don’t have time to configure all the settings manually? Set up your support system in less than 5 minutes using our Quick Setup Wizard, right after activation.
- Tabbed Ticket View: See all your tickets on a single page. Open multiple tickets as tabs and access them from the same page.
- Faster Page Loading: AJAX based design helps load info faster. No need to reload the page every time to get updated info.
- Agent Performance Report & Analysis: Get weekly performance report of agents and easily analyze how you can improve customer experience.
- Custom Ticket Submission Form: Create a custom ticket-submission form and add as many fields to it, based on your needs. Let customers provide details such as email id, product name, category, department, etc. for easy understanding of issues.
- Quick-View for tickets and Quick-Reply: Get a quick peek at the latest update on a ticket and further, send a reply without having to open the ticket completely.
- Attachment Support: Attach photos(jpg, jpeg, gif, png), documents(doc, docx, csv, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt) and zip to deal with customers in a better way.
- Email Filtering and Blocking: Filter emails from spammers by blocking specific email IDs to send and receive emails.
- WPML Support: French and German out of the box.
Some of the premium features include:
- Auto-Tagging And Assigning: Create custom tags based on issues, products, agents, customers, priorities, etc. and automatically assign a ticket to agents based on the tag.
- Create and Customize Ticket Views based on conditions: Create and customize the ticket view according to your needs, your agents, products, priority, etc. so that everything you want to see is just one click away.
- Triggers & Automation: Create custom triggers based on specific conditions, to perform an action automatically.
- Automated Emails: Send acknowledgment emails whenever a ticket is submitted and replied.
- Additional Shortcodes: Apart from the shortcodes available in the basic version, you can use two more shortcodes in the premium version. These shortcodes help you to: (1) Display existing request tickets on a separate page. (2) Display support form by reordering ticket fields.
- Ticket Text Customization Toolbar: Get a wide range of tools to customize your replies. The toolbar includes text alignment options; indexing options; font styles, size, and formatting options; text and background color options; adding images and hyperlinks etc.
Now let us see the 3 Unnoticed Features of WSDesk that will make your helpdesk experience awesome than ever before.
1. Agent’s Satisfaction Rating and Customer Feedback Survey
Let’s consider you want to send customer satisfaction review email to customers when an issue is resolved and the ticket status is updated to closed.
The WSDesk plugin consists of a feature known as Triggers, which can be utilized in many ways. Traditionally, these triggers are used to initiate events when certain actions occur. But with WSDesk, you can extend its functionality to setup satisfaction surveys from customers when certain triggers occur.
How to configure?
1) Adding a trigger:
To add a new trigger, move to the Triggers and Automation section in the WSDesk settings dashboard.
Next, move to Add Trigger section.
Let’s consider you want to add a trigger that sends customer satisfaction review email to customers when an issue is resolved and the ticket status is updated to closed.
For this, you should configure the settings as shown below:
- Enter Title: Enter a custom trigger title. For this demonstration, let’s keep it as Satisfaction Review.
- Match Triggers Conditions: Configure the required condition.
For our case, we need two conditions –- Condition 1 – Select Ticket: Status from the list of conditions and select Updated option from the condition drop-down (this means, perform trigger when the ticket is updated).
- Condition 2 – Select Ticket: Assigned -> Label (Status) from the list of conditions and select a Closed option from the condition drop-down (this means, perform trigger when the ticket label status is changed to closed).
- Perform Triggers Actions: From the available actions drop down, select Notification->Email to options, and select the recipient(s) to whom the email has to be sent.
Next, select appropriate codes for the notification email. For sending satisfaction surveys, enter [satisfaction_data] short-code along with your custom body of the email.
Finally, select the triggering period. Based on your preference, you can schedule the event.
2) Creating a survey page:
Once you have configured the settings, you should create a survey page where customers provide their feedback. The process is pretty straight-forward. You have to create a new WordPress page from the Pages section in your WordPress menu with a shortcode [wsdesk_satisfaction].
An important aspect to remember is that the created survey page is a result of a trigger and shouldn’t access directly. If a user tries to access the page directly from the website, the following error occurs ‘Oops! Access denied!’ Hence, to avoid this, you should hide this page from the menu. To do this, head to Appearance -> Menus section. Open the Customer Satisfaction Rating page settings, click Remove, and save the changes.
3) Updating a ticket status:
- Move to WSDesk -> Tickets section.
- Select a ticket to reply and update the status.
The ticket requester will receive a customer satisfaction review email, a day after the ticket status is updated (as configured). A screenshot of the email is shown below.
To give a satisfactory review, customers can click on the link at the end of the email, which will take them to the customer satisfaction review page on your website.
4) Customer Satisfaction Review:
The customer satisfaction page on your website consists of a rating and review option for your service. That’s it. You have now successfully configured a customer satisfaction survey with WSDesk. In addition to this, WSDesk also allows you to view statistics about these customer satisfaction ratings in the Reports section. You can view good as well as bad ratings of the last seven days, as shown in the screenshot below.
The ticket information updates along with the customer review as well. You can view the specific user ticket for which the review is given in the WSDesk -> Tickets section.
2. Auto Suggestion
Whenever a customer types the subject line for their query all the articles that have tags to that particular word, appears below. The customer can go through those articles and find a solution. And if the right solution is available, there is no need for the customers to raise a ticket. This can potentially reduce the ticket inflow considerably.
In addition to this, the Auto Suggestion also works when an agent replies to a ticket. They can provide the customers with a link to the article related to the issue. This will help to provide customers with a better solution in lesser time.
How to configure?
- First, you have to go to WSDesk -> Settings ->General ->Auto Suggestion and enable it.
- Now, to add Tags to the already existing articles as well as new articles, just go to WordPress dashboard-> Post. Here you can see all of your articles and you can even add your new articles. You can add Tags to those articles by going to Edit Post ->Tags option in the bottom right corner.
- Now if someone types the subject containing the Tag word then they will get suggestions.
For detailed information read the article here.
3. Integration with a multi-vendor plugin
In addition to various other useful features, WSDesk provides support for multi-vendor solutions as well. This allows your customers to select a vendor of their respective product while raising a ticket in the contact form. Also, vendors can view tickets that are addressed to them and view general reports. You can achieve this by integrating WSDesk with any WooCommerce multi-vendor plugin available in the market.
How to configure?
1. Selecting vendor roles in WSDesk:
- To do this, navigate to WSDesk > Settings > WooCommerce section. In the Multi-Vendor Roles setting option, select the appropriate vendor role that you want to merge with WSDesk.
2. Assigning WSDesk roles to vendors:
- Move to WSDesk > Agents > Add Agents section to assign a vendor a WSDesk user role.
- First, select the desired user/vendor from the Add Users option.
- Next, select the appropriate WSDesk Role. Tick user rights that you want to assign to the user in the WSDesk Rights option. The user rights may vary based on the WSDesk user role selected. If you wish to add tags to the user, you can add in the Add tags option. This option will help in filtering tickets and automatically assign them to the default assignee.
3. Adding a vendor field in the support form:
- To do this, move to WSDesk > Settings > Ticket Fields section. Click Add Ticket Field option to reveal further settings.
- To add a vendor field, select WooCommerce Vendors option.
- Enter a custom field name and set the field to be mandatory. Click Autofill Vendors to display all available vendors.
- In your customer support form page, a customer can raise a ticket and specify the respective product vendor.
- When a vendor logs-in to the site, he/she can view respective tickets as well as reports in the WSDesk setting tab.
For more details refer to the article here.
Concluding comments
So now you are familiar with some of the unnoticed features of WSDesk and how to configure them in your helpdesk. I hope these features will help you in making your WSDesk helpdesk more efficient and will surely improve your customer satisfaction. It will also help you in making your helpdesk experience better than ever before.
To explore more details about the plugins, go check out WSDesk – WordPress Helpdesk Plugin.
Read the product setting up article to understand the plugin, in detail. Or check out the product documentation section for more related articles.
You can also check out other WordPress and WooCommerce plugins in ELEX.