Getting a response to your customer queries is something every customer wants and it just boosts the confidence your customer has upon you. Most of the helpdesk systems, ensure that they respond to the queries. Also, channelize the tickets arriving at the support desk using several mechanisms to ensure that the customer is getting a quick response without any delay. In here we are going to take a look at few ways to assign agents to your tickets. Here we make use of the WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk plugin and the Pay For Support WSDesk Add-on plugin to help with.
Manually assigning the ticket to the agent
Using the plugin, whenever a ticket arrives on the ticket page, you can select the one and assign the ticket to the corresponding agent. It is rather the simplest way to assign the ticket.
Auto-assign the ticket using WSDesk Triggers
WSDesk plugin helps to create triggers to automate the process of assigning the tickets to the agents as it arrives. You can easily set up a trigger using the ticket settings and then activate the same.
In here, you specify a trigger with a condition stating that whenever a ticket arrives with specific ticket tags (which are pre-defined in WSDesk Ticket tags settings) then send an email to a specific agent who is assigned to the same. The agent automatically receives an email confirmation regarding the ticket assigned. Also, the customer receives a notification that the ticket is assigned to the agent.
Email notification for assigning the tickets
The plugin also lets your agents receive an email upon tickets being assigned by the admin or any status being modified. For the same, you can set up triggers for notification emails.
In here whenever the ticket status is modified, the agent, as well as the customer, receives an email. This again keeps the customers and agents on the same page.
Email Piping by WSDesk
Email piping feature of WSDesk keeps the notification of ticket arrivals intact and keep both parties looped in for data and information happening to the ticket.
Using WSDEsk support Forms
Yet another feasible way to assign tickets to agents is through forms. WSDesk lets you create very interactive forms, that will help to upload your query in no time.
In here, whenever a product category is selected or anything that calls for an action which is referred to in the Ticket Tags, then the agent will be notified accordingly. For this, you need to set the ticket tags carefully to help the plugin assign the tickets automatically.
Using Pay-For Support WSDesk Add-on for quick agent notification
In here, using the Pay-for Support add-on, you can create an agent service as a subscription plan or even a one-off service. Each time a customer purchases the same, the agent gets dedicatedly assigned to the particular user assistance. This just gives the customer a way to grab the quick assistance from the agent and also lets the business charge for support doing the same, increasing the revenue of the business.
Also, it is easy to track the credit balance and see, how much more credit score is pending for providing the agent services. Once the credit score becomes zero, then to obtain the service of the agent, then the customer has to upgrade the credit score by purchasing more credit.
To Conclude
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk plugin and Pay-for-Support WSDesk add-on is an easy way to assign you support tickets to agents without much hassle.