Well, when I was trying to list down the leading live chat plugins in the market, I have come across two of the best WordPress live chat plugins. They are WSChat – ELEX WordPress Live Chat plugin and Tawk.to Live Chat.
So choosing one for my WordPress website, I need to do a deep review of these 2 plugins. Here in this article, I have come up with a comparison report and the specifications of each plugin in detail.
So let us move on to the major features of these 2 plugins and later go through the comparison.
WSChat – ELEX WordPress Live Chat Plugin
WSChat is an advanced WordPress live chat plugin, which comes up with exceptional features. This flexible plugin can be used as a customer supporting solution for your business. You can add unlimited agent profiles for assisting the customers. And you can even integrate it with a customer ticketing system for the easy conversion of a chat to the ticket using the WSDesk plugin.
This plugin is AI integrated using Google’s Machine Learning tool Dialogflow, using which you can feed training phrases of the question that could be asked by the customers and the corresponding responses can be triggered. This can be done when you are online as well as offline. The same technology can be used to send simple quick text replies, images, audio, video, and any other file formats you wish to send to the customers.
Another specification to be highlighted is its WooCommerce compatibility. This plugin is a perfect option for WooCommerce websites as it contains a bundle of specifications for it. You can seamlessly sync your WooCommerce store, the products you are selling, and the order details in your store.
In dedicated sections, you can view the products in a customer’s shopping cart when you are chatting with that customer. And you can view the purchase history of the customer with the date and list of the products. If you want to assist the customers by suggesting products, you can instantly search and send them to the customers. In just a click, the customer will be redirected to the Cart page and it promises more conversions!
Other major features of this plugin includes:
- Intuitive interfaces to configure the live chat.
- Ensures 100% security of your data by storing the data on the owner’s server, unlike other SaaS-based systems.
- Monitor visitors and customer engagement with their IP address, OS, and the page they are visiting with the time duration.
- Initiate chat from the agent’s side.
- Unlimited chat history storage.
- Can set a custom agent and visitor chat notification sound.
- Customizable chat widget.
- The customizable theme color for the agent’s dashboard.
- Interesting emojis to make the chatting experience more colorful.
- Interesting chat header options including instant video recording and sending.
- Provides a detailed analytical report that includes the performance report of the live chat and the agents.
- Option to set-up a custom pre-chat form with mandatory fields.
- Live monitoring of customer’s details.
- Performing well on mobile screens too.
- You can add your brand name easily on the chat header and remove the WSChat brand name if required.
There are more features wrapped up in this plugin. To explore more about the plugin in detail, go through the article – The Best WordPress Chat Plugin.
Now let us go through Tawk.to Live Chat.
Tawk.to Live Chat
Tawk.to is a free live chat plugin for WordPress websites and mobile apps. It works well on other platforms and even works on native mobile apps.
You can easily customize the widget colors seamlessly using the free specifications of this plugin. You can also add the pre-chat option and indicate to the customers that you are offline.
You can add unlimited agents and it supports agent to agent communication using the ‘whispers’ option. You can also store unlimited chat history in this plugin. And it helps you to track the live visitors of the website and their engagement on your website. You can also track the IP address of the customers’ devices. Also, you can set email notifications for better customer assistance. Other features of this plugin are as follows:
- You can hire a chat agent to manage the chats and reply to your customers if you do not have an agent. But it is chargeable.
- It allows you to use video, voice, and screen sharing features to solve the issues of your customers seamlessly by charging an extra fee.
- Customizable chat widget.
- Supports group messaging.
- You can add multiple websites to your dashboard. This will help to make the chat widget available for all the websites you have added.
Now, let us go through the comparison of these two plugins.
Comparison Between WSChat and Tawk
Let us compare these 2 plugins based on certain key features for quick understanding.
Ease of Use
You can easily switch on and off the chat widget in WSChat according to your availability. You can even denote that you are offline and provide pre-chat forms accordingly. This same feature is available on Tawk as well. But you can add custom pre-chat fields and make them mandatory in WSChat.
When it comes to the setup process, I could not find proper detailed documentation of Tawk. You need to set up everything by yourself. You can find detailed documentation of WSChat and the detailed setup document for Dialogflow integration as well. This will make you set up the WSChat easily.
As we have seen earlier, both plugins help to customize the chat widget. You can customize the chat bubble of Tawk and add your brand name.
When it comes to WSChat, you can find more customization features compared to Tawk. In WSChat, you can even customize the theme color for the agent’s dashboard. You can add custom pre-chat fields beside the default fields available on this plugin. And also there is an option to add the custom chat header buttons for visitors in addition to the default ‘mute’ option.
You can add an option to attach files, send the entire chat history to an entered email ID, instant recording and sending of a video, and option to ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ the chat service. This rating will reflect on the analysis report as well.
Analytics is indispensable in customer support as this only helps to make further improvements in the future by the past positives and negatives. The analysis reports will help you to understand the performance of your live chat system and track the agents’ performance.
Tawk offers the report on the following:
- Visitors’ Engagement
- Real-time monitoring
- Track Sentiment
- Track Agent’s Satisfaction rating, and ticket statistics
- Missed chat and offline messages
In WSChat, you can find the report of the following:
- Customer ratings
- Quality scores
- The number of tickets associated with all agents.
You can choose a time period and view the report for that time period.
Advanced Options
I found many advanced options in WSChat, as the agents can view the customer’s details such as customers’ name, email ID, phone number, location, and the current page of your website they are viewing. And as we discussed, if you have integrated with WooCommerce, you can take the order and product details associated with each customer. And, you can easily search and send a product’s link.
When it comes to Tawk, I couldn’t find any such kind of options on the admin tab. But you can monitor and track the IP address of the visitors.
Triggers and Automation
In Tawk, you can find 4 types of triggers such as Chat Rescuer, Page Notification, Site Notification, and Advanced Notification. These triggers can be used to trigger certain notifications, based on the agents’ and customers’ actions on your website.
When it comes to WSChat, you can trigger an email notification to agents as well as customers when they receive a chat message. By default, the visitor and the agent will receive a sound notification that the visitors can mute if required.
Tawk can be integrated with a number of platforms besides WordPress such as Magento, Weebly, Wix, and Squarespace, etc.,
WSChat is highly compatible with a helpdesk ticketing system – WSDesk – ELEX WordPress Helpdesk & Customer Support Ticket System Plugin. You can seamlessly integrate this live chat plugin with your open source helpdesk system as well.
As you can explicitly see, WSChat is a premium plugin that starts its plan at $69 for the single site subscription. But when you go through the rich features it offers, you can find it is really reasonable. When you come to Tawk, it is basically a free version plugin that you can easily download. But for unlocking advanced options like integrating video, audio, and screen sharing options and so on, you need to spend separately.
If you need to hire an agent, they charge a specific amount per agent. For using the advanced options also, Tawk has charges. But if you spend on WSChat one time, it does not charge any extra cost and you can make use of its advanced features.
To sum up,
When I have gone through these two plugins, I prefer WSChat, as it comes up with a lot of advanced features including seamless AI integration and various agent-friendly features. You can also check out its features and have a quick look inside the plugin with its documentation.