When it comes to a WooCommerce shop owner, it is important to keep your regular customers as well as attract new potential customers to the store. Besides all the marketing and SEO strategies, you have to offer something unique in your store to improve customer engagement for better sales. Customers are fond of offers. Even if they are not planning to purchase anything, if they find any offer board outside the door, they will run for it. The same strategy can be worked out on your online store as well!
How? With WooCommerce and a dynamic pricing plugin. Since we have WooCommerce, we do not need to worry about working out new plans for improving our online store, right? Because almost all features can be implemented with a plugin that offers a particular feature. So in this article, let us discuss the concept of dynamic pricing and how you can set up free WooCommerce dynamic pricing in your store.
Why does your store need a dynamic pricing plugin?
You have to provide some special offers to your customers frequently to increase sales and customer engagement. These offers can be of different types. Some offers need to be restricted for particular time duration and for specific user roles. There are Black Friday sales, Christmas sales, or maybe your store’s anniversary offers! Offering this in a physical store is quite easy. When it comes to a WooCommerce store, we can choose a dynamic pricing plugin to do this task perfectly.
Dynamic pricing plugins help you to provide various offers such as a specific percentage or flat discount to specific products or categories, and offer to buy one get one (BOGO) offers and so on. For more different discount options you can choose an advanced premium dynamic pricing plugin to apply these offers seamlessly. But if you are not planning for a premium plugin, you can choose a free WooCommerce dynamic pricing plugin.
If your store is selling products of specific categories or a limited number of products, you can go for a free plugin, when you are planning to offer some discounts in your store. Or if you are just ramping up your WooCommerce store and want to try discounts in your store for the first time, you can choose a free version dynamic pricing plugin to start with. Later you can upgrade to a premium version plugin accordingly.
In this article, I would like to introduce you to a robust free WooCommerce dynamic pricing plugin: ELEX WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin and how to set it up in your WooCommerce store.
How to Set up Free WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing with ELEX WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin?
ELEX WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin is a handy dynamic pricing plugin that offers 2 discount rules to apply discounts in your WooCommerce store such as discounts on products and discounts on product categories. You can display a pricing table that displays all offers applicable for a particular product using this plugin. And also there is an option to set the calculation mode for discounts if a product is eligible for multiple price discounts. You can freely download it from WordPress or from the product page itself.
Before going to set up the dynamic pricing plugin on your store, install and activate the plugin.
Then go to WooCommerce -> Dynamic Pricing.
After clicking on Dynamic Pricing, a tab for Discount Rules will be opened. There you can find 2 discount rules as I mentioned earlier.
- Product Rules
- Category Rules
Step 1: Set up product rules and category rules.
First, let us check how you can set up product rule and later the set up of category rule.
Product Rules
This rule is for applying discounts and special prices to individual products as well as a particular category. One point to remember here is, you can only apply the discount to a single category in product rule. That discount will be applicable to all products under that particular category. If you want to apply a discount on multiple product categories, you can do that with category rules.
Click on Product Rules -> Add New Rule.
A new tab will be opened to enter the details to set up the discount rule on products. Check the screenshot:
In this screenshot, you can find:
Offer name: Give a name to identify the offer. For example, OFFER2020.
Rule applicable on: Here, you have 3 options. You can choose the offer to be applicable for selected individual products, or a category or all the products in the cart. If you choose ‘Selected products’, you can enter the product names in the next text box below. When you enter the first three characters of the product, it will list the products whose name starts with those letters. You can select the product from that list.
If you have chosen selected categories, you can select the category from the drop-down list. If you have chosen products in the cart, the offer will be applicable to all products in the cart.
Check for: You have 3 options. They are:
- Quantity: If you have chosen quantity, you can enter the minimum and maximum quantity of products should be selected by the customer for applying the discount rule.
- Weight: You can enter the minimum and maximum quantity should be there for the products to apply the discount rule.
- Price: You can enter the minimum and maximum price of the products should be purchased by the customers to apply the discount rule.
Discount type: In discount type, there are 3 ways you can apply the price discount on products. They are:
- Percent discount: If you choose a percent discount, you can enter a percentage of the actual price of the product to be deducted from the product price.
- Flat discount: The amount you have entered here will be deducted from the subtotal level in the cart page.
- Fixed price: The amount you have entered as a fixed price will be taken by replacing the actual price of the product or products.
In the above example, I have selected the product ‘Shirt’. If a user purchases Shirt and other conditions for the discount rule satisfies, the customer will get the offer. This rule is applicable based on the product quantity, and I have chosen 2 and 4 as the minimum and maximum quantity. Since it is a percentage discount, a 15% discount will be applicable to Shirt if a user purchases 2-4 Shirts from your WooCommerce store.
After saving the rule, check the cart page when a customer added 3 Shirts to the cart. Check out the screenshot:
Here the offer has been applied because the customer has chosen 3 shirts, which satisfies the conditions.
Click on Allowed Roles & Date.
If you want to apply the discounts on the product to only specific user roles, you can choose the user roles and the duration of the discount to be live on your site. Check the screenshot:
You can enter:
- Allowed roles: Choose the user role or roles in your WooCommerce store to whom you want to give the offers exclusively. If you select specific user roles here, the discount will only be applicable to the users who come under that role.
- Valid from date: Enter the date of the commencement of the offer.
- Expiry date: Enter a date to expire the offer.
The offer will be live only for that duration. It will become live onwards the date you have entered and become off automatically on the expiry date.
If you have set everything properly, click on Save Rule. You can also cancel the settings in just one click here.
After setting up the product rule, you can find it in a table below the tab. You can see all the details you have set in that table along with two options to do a quick edit button and an option to delete the discount rule. There is an option you can drag and drop the rules to set the priority of the rules to be applicable if the products are eligible for multiple rules.
If you want to unlock the Adjustments and Restrictions tab, you have to upgrade the plugin to its premium version. In Adjustments, you can set up a maximum amount of discount applicable, adjust the final discount amount, and execute the rule multiple times if the user purchases multiple quantities of minimum or the maximum number of products you have entered. In Restrictions, you can enter the email IDs of individual customers to offer the discount to those customers only. And a minimum number of previous orders, and the minimum amount the customers have to be spent on your site to be eligible for the offer.
Category rules
Click on Discount Rules-> Category Rules -> Add New Rule.
You can enter the details for applying category rules for the product categories in your WooCommerce store. Check the screenshot:
Enter the following details:
Offer name: Enter an offer name for your category rule. For example, ‘X’MAS OFFER’.
Product categories: Select the required categories from the drop-down list. You can choose multiple categories in this rule. All the products under those categories will be applicable for the discount.
Check for: You have 4 options here to be checked on the products the customer is going to purchase for applying the special price or discount. They are:
- Number of items: If you want to apply the offer based on the number of products under the selected categories in the cart, you can choose this option. If you have chosen this option, you need to enter the minimum number of items that should be in the cart, and the maximum number of items in the cart if needed.
- Weight: If you have chosen weight as a base for applying the discount on the product categories, you can choose this, and need to enter the minimum weight should be there for the selected products by the customer, and a maximum weight of products if required.
- Price: Enter the minimum price of the products that should be purchased by the customers for applying the category discount. Also, enter the maximum price if required.
- Total units: Enter the minimum units of products that should be there in the cart for applying the discount if you have chosen this option. You can enter the maximum units of products if required.
Discount type: As we have discussed in product rules, category rules also have 3 ways to apply the discounts to the products. They are:
- Percent discount: If you have chosen this discount type, you need to enter a percentage of the actual amount of products to be deducted from the actual price.
- Flat discount: Here, the amount you have entered will be deducted from the subtotal level in the cart page.
- Fixed price: The amount you have entered as a fixed price will be taken by replacing the actual price of the product or products.
Check the example:
In this example, I have selected the Music and Posters categories. All products come under those categories in a price range of $10 – $25 will be set to a fixed price of $10.
After setting up the discount, the discount will be applicable to the products that come under Music and Posters. Check the screenshot:
You can see that the product comes under the category Music, and has been set to the price of $10. Its actual price is $20.
In this, you can’t set the user roles to whom this category offers are applicable and the duration of the offer, like in Product Rule. For that, you have to unlock the premium version of the plugin.
After setting up the details, you can click on Save Rule.
After saving the rule, you can find all the saved rules in a table below the tab like you have seen in the product rule. You can drag and drop the rules according to their priority.
If you want to offer more advanced discount rules to your customers, you can upgrade the plugin to its premium version. The premium version plugin offers 7 more discount rules for your WooCommerce store. They are:
- Combinational Rules: Combinational rules are applied when a customer purchases combinations of two or more products.
- Category Combinational Rules: This rule is similar to combinational rules. Instead of products, you can enter combinations of two or more product categories. When a customer purchases the combinations of products that come under those categories will get the discount.
- Cart Rules: You can set up this rule similar to product rules. The only difference in this rule is, the offer will be applicable for the products in the customers’ shopping cart.
- Buy and Get Free Offer (BOGO) Rules: In this rule, you can set up one or more products to be purchased by the customers to get one or more products for free.
- Buy and Get Offer (BOGO) Category Rules: In this rule, you can choose categories. If a user purchases one or more products under that category he or she will get one or more products for free.
- Tag Rules: It is similar to product rules. You can choose the product tags, and if the customer purchases products which contain that tag or tags will be applicable for the offer.
- BOGO Tag Rules: It is similar to the BOGO rule. You can choose the tags for applying the offer when the customer purchases one or more products that come under that tag and will get one or more products for free.
Step 2: Set up the execution order of the discount rules
The next step is to set up the execution order of the discount rules. Here, we have 2 discount rules such as product rules and categories rule. We can set the order in which it should be applicable for the products eligible for both rules.
There are 2 boxes you can see on the below screenshot such as disabled rules and enabled rules. You can click on the rule from the disabled rule box and click on the buttons to move it to the enabled rules box. You can move it from enabled to disabled box according to the requirements as well. Only the rules in the enabled rules’ box will be applied to the products.
For setting up the priority of the rules to be executed, you can click on the rule and use the Up and Down buttons to move up and down the rules according to the priority you want to set. For example: if you have set the product rules as first priority and category rules as the second priority, and a product is eligible for these 2 discounts, the product rule will be applicable for the products if you have chosen ‘first match rule’ for calculation.
You can also set the calculation of discounts in three ways. Check out the next step.
Step 3: Set up the calculation mode of discounts
You have 3 options for calculating the discounts in your WooCommerce store. They are:
Best discount
If the products are applicable for multiple discounts, one rule should be picked up for applying to the product. Hence, if you have chosen this calculation mode, it will calculate all discounts and apply the best discount to the product. If you did not choose any calculation mode the best discount will be applicable to the products by default.
First match rule
In the first match rule, it will apply the first match rule in the execution order box as we have discussed in the previous step. And it will consider the priority in the discount rule tables as well. The first match rule will consider both priorities, that is it will take the first rule in the execution order as well as the first rule you have saved in that discount rule.
All matched rules
If a product is eligible for multiple discount rules, all the rules will be applied to the product.
Step 4: Display pricing table on the product page
This plugin helps you display the pricing table for displaying all the offers applicable to the products in their respective product pages. This will help the customers to understand all the offers available for that product and decide about the purchase of the product. Check the screenshot for setting up it in your WooCommerce store.
Display Prices Table on Product Page: You can choose ‘yes’ for displaying the pricing table on the product pages and choose ‘no’ for not displaying it. By default, it will be ‘yes’.
Position of Pricing Table on Product Page: You can set the position of the pricing table on the product page by selecting one option from the drop-down list. There are 12 options available such as:
- Before Product: To display the price table before the product and its details on the product page.
- After Product: To display the pricing table after the product and its details displayed on the product page.
- Before Product Summary: To display the pricing table before the product name, description, and other details.
- In Product Summary: It will display the pricing table along with the product short description and before the product description.
- After Product Summary: It will display the pricing table after the product description.
- Before Add To Cart Button: It displays the pricing table before the Add to Cart button on the product page.
- After Add To Cart Button: It displays the pricing table after the Add to Cart button on the product page.
- Before Add To Cart Form: Displays the pricing table before the Add to Cart form on your product page.
- After Add To Cart Form: Displays the pricing table after the Add to Cart form on your product page.
- Product Thumbnails: It displays the pricing table below the product image. That is, in the space of thumbnails of product images.
- Product Meta Start: It displays the pricing table before the meta details such as the product categories.
- Product Meta End: It displays the pricing table after the meta details of the product.
Short Name For Quantity: By default ‘nos.’ will be there in the text box. You can customize the name for quantity according to your requirements.
Check the example of pricing table:
After setting up these features, you can click on Save Settings for saving the offers in your WooCommerce store. All the offers will be applicable to the products in your store henceforth. For the product rule, you can set the duration of the discount. It will execute and expire according to the date you have set up. For category rules, you have to go to enable and disable manually for letting the offer live on your WooCommerce store.
Wrap Up
This is how you can set up a free WooCommerce dynamic pricing plugin in your online store. For unlocking more features and providing more advanced discount rules, you can upgrade to its premium version plugin. If you are looking for a basic dynamic pricing plugin you can definitely go for this plugin as it is very easy to set up the special pricing with this plugin.