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Still struggling with shipping issues, we are not able to get the pricing


We are still struggling with shipping issues, we are not able to get the pricing that we want from our plugin, I have made it very simple for you to understand.

Step1: When we are trying same address and weight from our website using plugin we are charging $10.77 to the customer.

step2: But actually when we are going to print a label using USPS website it’s asking $12.40 from us for a custom box as we are using our boxes here. I can see $10.77 is also there on the list, but we don’t want to use that one as we want to use our boxes. Please check screenshot below:

We are having the following setting right now.





We analysed the request and response provided by you.

We found the following details :

The rate returned by Priority Mail is 7.15 as shown below:

<MailService>Priority Mail 2-Day&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#8482;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;</MailService>

We have seen you have adjusted the rate by 5. So the final rate that comes up is 7.15 + 5 = 12.15

We checked this rate by giving the same details in USPS price calculator(zip from: 06883, zip to: 20878, Weight 1 lbs 16 ounces) and got the rate as 7.15 which matches with our plugin rates.I have attached the snapshot of the same.

You had provided us two screenshots. One showing rate as $10.77. This screenshot shows the rate of a different service – Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A. Other screenshot was showing rate as $12.40. Kindly verify the details provided. Also in the screenshots provided by you, we can see the destination zip as: 92626. However in the request information, the destination zip is: 20878.

Hope this was clear!

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