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How to download all generated labels in a batch with ELEX EasyPost Shipping Method Plugin for WooCommerce?

This article intends to explain a few doubts faced by the customers on label generation and their printing with ELEX EasyPost Shipping Method Plugin for WooCommerce, and the answer for their doubts.

Question 1:

Is it possible to generate the labels of an order automatically when the buyer proceeds to the payment?


With the current functionality of our EasyPost shipping plugin, the shop owner has to manually create a label for every order in the Woocommerce store. But no worries, you can try our ELEX EasyPost Auto-Generate & Email Labels Add-On, which lets you generate UPS, USPS, Canada Post & FedEx Shipping Labels when an order is placed, or based on selected order status. You’ll receive a copy of the shipping label via email. 

With this plugin, you can also choose to send a copy of the shipping label to your customer’s and/or custom email address(es). In addition to this, the add-on allows you to send an email notification to shop owners when an EasyPost service fails to return real-time rates. You can easily set up ELEX EasyPost Auto-Generate & Email Labels Add-On with the EasyPost shipping plugin.

To know more about the add-on and how to configure it on your WooCommerce store, refer to an article: How to Auto-generate & Email EasyPost labels with ELEX EasyPost Auto-Generate & Email Labels Add-On?

Question 2:

Is it possible to download all generated labels in a batch?


If you want to generate the shipping labels and print them in bulk, try ELEX EasyPost Bulk Label Printing Add-On, which lets you print EasyPost shipping labels in bulk and merges them into a single PDF file. 

This add-on saves your time and effort to print labels for each order in the WooCommerce Orders dashboard. The add-on uses iLovePDF REST API to merge the PDFs. You can easily set up ELEX EasyPost Bulk Label Printing Add-On with the EasyPost shipping plugin.

To know more about the add-on and how to configure it on your WooCommerce store, refer to an article: How to bulk print FedEx, UPS, Canada Post and USPS shipping labels with ELEX WooCommerce EasyPost Bulk Label Printing Add-On?

Note – The both above add-on works only with ELEX EasyPost (FedEx, UPS, Canada Post & USPS) Shipping & Label Printing Plugin for WooCommerce. 

To know how to set up the plugin, go through an article: How to set up ELEX EasyPost Shipping Method Plugin for WooCommerce?

To explore more details about the plugins, go check out ELEX EasyPost Shipping Method Plugin for WooCommerce.

Read the article for setting up EasyPost to understand the plugin, in detail. Or check out the product documentation section for more related articles.

You can also check out other WooCommerce and WordPress plugins in ELEX.

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