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How to offer Discounts for different combinations of Categories using Dynamic Pricing and Discount Plugin for WooCommerce?

Arthur sells hoodies and t-shirts in his WooCommerce store. He currently runs a promotional deal – For the purchase of a hoodie and a t-shirt together, his customers get 10% discount from the total purchase value. The customers can choose any product from the Hoodie and T-Shirt category to avail the discount.

He can achieve this with our ELEX Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin for WooCommerce easily.

Discount for different combinations of Categories

Following the demonstration shows how to offer the 10% discount for combinations of categories, that is, Hoodie and T-shirt.

1. Adding a new Category Combinational Rule

Open Category Combi Rules. Click Add New Rule to get started, as shown in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount | Add New Rule
Add New Category Combinational Rule

2. Configure discount settings

Enter offer name, select categories in combination, select discount type as Percent Discount and enter the discount value as 10.

A screenshot showing the sample settings is shown below.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount | Category Combinational Rule
Category Combinational Rule

Finally, click Save Rule to save the settings.

3. Discount in Action

Move to the WooCommerce shop page. First, add a Hoodie item to the cart to see if the discount is applied.

A sample screenshot is shown below.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount | Hoodie item added to Cart
Hoodie item added to Cart

Add T-Shirt product to the cart to see the applied changes, as shown in the below screenshot.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount | Category Combinational discount applied
Category Combinational discount applied for both the items

As shown in the above screenshot, the discount of 10% is applied only when items from both the categories(that is, Hoodie and T-Shirt) are available on the cart.

Hence in this way, a discount can be applied to different combinations of the category using Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin for WooCommerce.

In addition to this, you can include other customizations like WordPress user roles, discount validity period, maximum discount amount, offer restrictions to certain email IDs or user roles, shipping methods, payment methods, product attributes, minimum order quantity, minimum total purchase amount, and a lot more! Follow the product page link given below and explore more features.


To know more about the product, check out Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin for WooCommerce.

To know more about other features of the plugin, read product setting up article.

Or check out documentation section for more related articles.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I want to offer a 10% discount for a purchase of ANY one product in 1 of 3 categories and the purchase of ANY other product from those same 3 categories. The customer chooses their own combo. Examples would be product A from category “Books” and Product B the same category, or product C from the category DVDs. Which ever they choose. However we don’t want the discount for the same two products. How do I set this up?

  • Hello,
    This scenario can be achieved by providing discounts based on different categories by using our category rules. The categories A, B, and C or the products among these categories can be associated with a Single category and the discount rule can be applied to this category.
    Feel free to contact our support team if you need any help in setting this up.

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