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How long does it take to install the Stamps.com plugin to woocommerce?


How long does it take to install the stamps.com plugin to woocommerce?


The installation of Stamps.com plugin to WooCommerce will just take couples of minutes.

After purchasing the ELEX Stamps.com shipping plugin, Zip plugin file is available in MY ACCOUNT.

  1. Download .zip file from MY ACCOUNT.
  2. Log in as the WordPress Admin of your online store.
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New to upload the downloaded ELEX Stamps.com-USPS plugin.
  4. Activate the ELEX Stamps.com-USPS plugin.

For detailed information about installing ELEX Plugins, See How to Install WordPress Plugin.

Also, Kindly refer our article to see How to Setup the Stamps.com Plugin.

Let us now, if you need some help.

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