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Error: No shipping method for Heavy Products


It keeps showing no shipping method available. I am unable to use the plugin.

The XML response as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><res:DCTResponse xmlns:res='http://www.dhl.com' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation= 'http://www.dhl.com DCT-Response.xsd'><GetQuoteResponse><Response><ServiceHeader><MessageTime>2016-03-30T06:12:07.383+01:00</MessageTime><MessageReference>1234567890123456789012345678901</MessageReference><SiteID>Dap0028test</SiteID></ServiceHeader></Response><BkgDetails><OriginServiceArea/><DestinationServiceArea/></BkgDetails><Note><Condition><ConditionCode>1005</ConditionCode><ConditionData>The origin and destination offers this product capability but the shipment restrictions does not allow any product availability.Please change the search criteria or contact Customer Service for more details.</ConditionData></Condition></Note></GetQuoteResponse></res:DCTResponse>

ELEX Support:

We suggest you check the availability of the services using DHL Calculator (https://www.mydhl.dhl.com), or by contacting DHL support.

We are analyzing your case, as well
However, we request you to send us the debug request in text format, so that we can develop a proper understanding of your case.

ELEX Support:

(After analyzing the request and response information)

We just analyzed the request text provided by you.

The package has a dimension of (200*120*80) cm, and weighs 10 kg; that seems to be huge, as when we enter these details in the DHL calculator, we are getting no rates.

Hence, we kindly request you to contact DHL support to figure out what services they offer for big packages.


I have lowered the weight and everything. Still, it’s showing no shipping method is available.

ELEX Support:

We checked the DHL Express API  response provided by you. API returns two services; Express Domestic and Express Easy.

However, as per your agreement with DHL Express you, are not eligible to use these services.

Have a look at the following section of  the XML:

<ProductShortName>EXPRESS DOMESTIC</ProductShortName>

Now, for the EXPRESS DOMESTIC service, API returns a rate of 11.240 Singapore dollars.

But as the POfferedCustAgreement status is Y, you are not eligible for the service.

Hence, we suggest you contact DHL EXPRESS support.


To explore more details about the plugins, go check out ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express / eCommerce / Paket Shipping Plugin with Print Label.

Read the article for setting up DHL Express understand the plugin, in detail. Or check out the product documentation section for more related articles.

You can also check out other WooCommerce and WordPress plugins in ELEX.

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