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How to bulk print DHL Express shipping labels with ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On?

This article explains the step-by-step tutorial to bulk print DHL Express shipping labels with ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On. For more information on the plugin, refer to the product page.

DHL Express is a unit of DHL shipping service that provides domestic as well as international shipping service for courier and parcel services. DHL is a German-based company and is one of the most popular shipping services in the world.

This Add-On works only with ELEX WooCommerce DHL Shipping Plugin with Print Label & Tracking which allows you to access real-time rates from DHL Express, print shipping labels, track shipments, and helps in packing items into boxes. Although the plugin is capable of providing DHL Paket and DHL eCommerce services, this add-on works only for DHL Express.


Some of the major highlights of this add-on include:

  • Bulk printing shipping labels using Order ID and Date range: You can select one or more WooCommerce order IDs or select a date range to generate printing labels.
  • Bulk printing shipping labels using WooCommerce Order Status: Once you have selected the date range, you can choose to select desired order statuses to print labels. The labels are created for the orders with the selected order status and those that fall within the date range.
  • Merging shipping labels: Once the labels are generated, the add-on merges all the labels into a single PDF file. This merging is processed using the iLovePDF tool.
  • Simple and intuitive interface: Single-click download & delete options, a custom view based on the number of labels, quick access to individual orders, tabular view for generated labels, and view label creation date and time.


For bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels, you need the following:

  1. ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express / eCommerce / Paket Shipping Plugin with Print Label
  2. ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On
  3. Project key and Secret key from an iLovePDF developer account.

Getting started with ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On

Read an article to know how to complete the checkout process on ELEX. You can also read how to download, install, activate ELEX plugins.

The core label printing process is determined with the ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Shipping plugin settings and not the add-on settings. Hence you need to set up the ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Shipping plugin first and then proceed with bulk printing of shipping labels. Once the add-on is installed and activated, you can navigate to Dashboard > WooCommerce > DHL Express Bulk Print Labels.

Now that we have explored the features of the add-on, and have installed it, let’s get down to configure it.

Registering for an iLovePDF developer account

Although iLovePDF offers different tools to process PDF files, this add-on uses iLovePDF API only to merge the shipping labels into a single PDF file. Every single PDF file (includes multiple labels from various orders) generated corresponds to a single API call made to iLovePDF API. You can make 250 API calls per month with a free developer account, which means you can generate 250 PDF files per month. This is more than enough for a small or medium size business owner. If your requirement is more than 250 PDF files, you can opt for desired subscription plans.

Our bulk printing add-on uses the iLovePDF API to merge the shipping labels into a single PDF, hence you need to register for an iLovePDF developer account and use the credentials in our ELEX WooCommerce DHL Shipping Plugin settings to make use of the add-on. Without these credentials, the bulk printing add-on will not work.

Once you have registered for an account, log in to your account and click My projects from the left sidebar menu. A project key will be shown. Click on Show Secret Key link to reveal secret key. These are the two credentials that you will need for using in our plugin.

The credentials, with its status, will be as shown in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Project and Secret Key
Project and Secret Key from the iLovePDF account

Entering iLovePDF credentials in ELEX WooCommerce DHL Shipping Plugin

To enter the iLovePDF credentials received from the previous step in our ELEX WooCommerce DHL Shipping Plugin settings, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > DHL Express > General settings. Read the product documentation to know how to configure the plugin.

When the add-on is installed on your WordPress site, a new section appears in the General section of the plugin settings. You can enter your iLovePDF project key and secret key in the respective text fields, as shown in the screenshot.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Project and Secret Key in the plugin
Entering Project and Secret Key in the plugin

Remember, it is mandatory to select default shipping services for bulk shipment, in the label settings of the plugin. To know how to configure this, you can read the Label & Tracking section of the plugin documentation. Once the plugin and add-on settings are configured, you are now ready to start bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels.

Bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels

The add-on, first automatically creates shipments for the orders with the help of ELEX DHL Shipping Plugin. If any shipment is already created, the plugin skips the shipment creation for the respective order and proceeds to print labels.

Remember, even if there are multiple packages in a single order, the plugin will create shipments (and labels) for each individual package. For example, if there are three packages in Order1, two packages in Order2, and one package in Order3, then a total of six labels will be generated and merged into a single PDF file.

To access the add-on settings, go to WooCommerce > DHL Express Bulk Print Labels as shown in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Add-On settings
WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On settings

There are two ways to bulk print DHL Express shipping labels:

  1. Using Order IDs – Select multiple WooCommerce order IDs to generate bulk shipping labels.
  2. Using Date range – Select a start and end date for bulk printing. The labels will be generated for orders that were placed within the given date range.

Include Commercial Invoice: Enable this setting to bulk generate commercial invoices with the shipping labels.

Let us demonstrate each method so you can understand it better.

1. Bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels using WooCommerce Order IDs

Each order in your WooCommerce store will have a unique order ID. The add-on will auto-fill order IDs from your WooCommerce orders as and when new orders come in. You can select multiple order IDs for which you want to generate labels. First, the add-on requests the ELEX WooCommerce DHL Shipping Plugin to create shipments for the selected orders and then generate the shipping labels. If the shipments are created for some of the orders, the shipment creation will be skipped and will proceed to generate shipping labels.

To do this, select the bulk editing method as “By Order IDs”, select desired orders from the given drop-down list, enable the commercial invoice generation (optional), and click Submit. Sample settings are shown in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Using Order IDs
Using Order IDs

The add-on will then generate shipping labels and merge them into a single PDF file. You can manage the labels in the given table. You can click on the respective download icon of the instance to download the PDF file, You can click on the delete icon to delete the PDF file. You can also view the shipment creation date & time.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Download Documents
Download Commercial Invoice and Shipping Label

2. Bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels for the given Date range

The second method is to use date range values. You can select a start date and end date from the date pickers to generate labels of orders that fall under the selected date range.

Sample settings are shown in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Using Order Date Range
Bulk label printing using Order Date Range

Once you hit the Submit button, the add-on will generate labels and merge them into a PDF file.

Bulk printing DHL Express shipping labels for the given Order Status

Once you have selected the date range, you can choose to select desired order statuses to print labels. The labels are created for the orders with the selected order status and those that fall within the date range. You can select multiple order statuses or keep this field empty to choose all the order statuses.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Using Order Date Range
Using Order Date Range

Sample DHL Express shipping labels

Once you download the PDF file, open the file to view it. A single PDF file will contain multiple shipping labels as shown in the GIF below.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Sample DHL Express Labels
Sample DHL Express Labels

The below screenshot shows a sample DHL Express shipping label.

WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On | Sample DHL Express Label
Sample DHL Express Label



To explore more details about the add-on, go check out ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express Bulk Label Printing Add-On.

Or check out the main product – ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express / eCommerce / Paket Shipping Plugin with Print Label and its product documentation for a better understanding of the plugin.

You can also check out other WooCommerce and WordPress plugins in ELEX.

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