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How to Filter and Bulk Edit Product Tags in WooCommerce?

In this article, we will demonstrate how to filter and bulk edit WooCommerce Product tag information with the ELEX Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes for WooCommerce plugin.

You can watch the video tutorial below:

First, we will consider Products in the category of Clothing. For our understanding, we shall consider “Cap” in the clothing category.

In the WooCommerce product, we will find the existing changes for the product tags. Here the tag is “Clothing”.

How to Filter and Bulk Edit Product Tags in WooCommerce

Let’s see how to Filter and Bulk Edit WooCommerce Product tag Information

Filter the desired products

Filtering your selected products using the plugin’s filters is the first step in this process.

For our understanding, we can select the product tag as Clothing from the Product tags filter.

ELEX Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes for WooCommerce

To proceed, click Preview Filtered Products.

Preview filtered products

The preview tab will show you the filtered products. Based on our Example considered, the plugin will show the products that are linked with the product tag “Clothing”.

How to Filter and Bulk Edit Product Tags in WooCommerce

Click Continue to proceed.

Updating Product tag in bulk.

The product tags provide three options to the users.

  1. Add new values – Add new tags to the products.
  2. Remove existing values – Remove the existing tags from the products.
  3. Overwriting existing values – Replace existing tags with new tag values.

Here we are adding a new tag value “Hat”.

At last, click Update Products.

The Final result

Open the WooCommerce Products page to see the updated changes in tags.

This way we can bulk edit the tag Information of the products.

The product title, SKU, visibility, shipping classes, price, price on sale, attributes, and categories can all be edited in bulk.

Check out ELEX Bulk Edit Products, Prices, & Attributes for WooCommerce for more information on the plugin.

For a detailed understanding of the plugin, read the article for configuring the ELEX Bulk Edit plugin. Additionally, you can look through additional WordPress and WooCommerce plugin documentation and use cases on the ELEX website.

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